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So you’ve and , but it doesn’t really do anything…yet. Before we hop into installing your operating system, we need to take a quick look at the BIOS and prepare it for our operating system.

因此,您已经并,但实际上并没有做任何事情……。 在开始安装您的操作系统之前,我们需要快速浏览一下BIOS并为我们的操作系统做准备。

BIOS stands for “.” It’s a tiny program that’s stored on a small memory chip in your motherboard, and it runs on your computer before the operating system does, setting everything up and allowing you to change basic settings. It’s what allows you to install a new operating system, overwrite an old one, or do more technical stuff like overclock your processor.

BIOS代表“ 。 这是一个微型程序,存储在主板上的小内存芯片上,并且在操作系统运行之前先在计算机上运行,​​可以进行所有设置并允许您更改基本设置。 它使您可以安装新的操作系统,覆盖旧的操作系统或做更多的技术工作,例如对处理器进行超频。

(Technically, most new motherboards including ours are loaded with a more advanced kind of pre-boot environment called a , or UEFI. It has a ton of new and useful features to better support modern hardware. But everyone still calls it “the BIOS,” because it covers all of the same bases.)

(从技术上讲,包括我们在内的大多数新主板都装有更高级的预引导环境,称为,即UEFI。它具有大量新功能和有用功能,可以更好地支持现代硬件。但是每个人仍然称呼它“ BIOS”,因为它涵盖了所有相同的基础。)

进入BIOS (Getting Into the BIOS)

If you don’t have an operating system installed on your storage drive, the UEFI/BIOS program should start immediately when you turn your computer on. If it doesn’t, take a look at the splash screen (the one with your motherboard’s logo or text): it will have directions on how to start it.

如果您的存储驱动器上未安装操作系统,则在打开计算机电源时应立即启动UEFI / BIOS程序。 如果没有,请看一看启动屏幕(带有主板徽标或文字的启动屏幕):它将说明如何启动。

Usually you do this by quickly pressing F1, F2, F11, F12, Delete, or some other secondary key on your keyboard as it boots. (On our Gigabyte keyboard, the command is “Delete,” in the lower-left portion of the screen above.) If you don’t get it on the first try, just turn the computer off and give it another go.

通常,您可以通过在启动时快速按键盘上的F1,F2,F11,F12,Delete或其他辅助键来执行此操作。 (在技嘉键盘上,命令位于上方屏幕的左下角,为“删除”。)如果第一次尝试时未获得此命令,请关闭计算机电源,然后再重新尝试。

Once you’re in, there are a few things you may want to do.


更新您的BIOS或UEFI(可选) (Update Your BIOS or UEFI (Optional))

Chances are, your motherboard is not running the latest version of its UEFI. Updating it helps to support new features, patch bugs and security vulnerabilities, and generally give the place a bit of spit-and-polish. Because the UEFI runs before the full operating system, it doesn’t have a way to update itself over the Internet, and you’ll need to do it manually.

可能是,您的主板未运行其UEFI的最新版本。 更新它有助于支持新功能,补丁错误和安全漏洞,并且通常会给它带来一些麻烦。 由于UEFI在完整的操作系统之前运行,因此它无法通过Internet进行更新,因此您需要手动进行。

Note that , unless you run into specific compatibility problems with newer hardware and features. For example, if you have a last-generation motherboard and a current-generation CPU that happens to use the same socket, you may need to update it for the CPU to work properly. Updating is also sometimes recommended for specific, critical security updates or bugs.

请注意,除非您遇到较新的硬件和功能的特定兼容性问题,否则。 例如,如果您拥有上一代主板和恰好使用同一插槽的当前CPU,则可能需要对其进行更新以使CPU正常工作。 有时也建议针对特定的关键安全更新或错误进行更新。

You can check for the latest version of your UEFI/BIOS by putting the model number into Google and adding “BIOS update.” (Check the box or one of the UEFI menus if you don’t know your motherboard model.) On your you’ll find a list of updates, usually under “Support.” Download the latest one if your UEFI isn’t already running it.

您可以通过将型号输入Google并添加“ BIOS更新”来检查UEFI / BIOS的最新版本。 (如果您不知道主板型号,请选中​​此框或UEFI菜单之一。)在您通常会在“支持”下找到更新列表。 如果您的UEFI尚未运行,请下载最新版本。

Again, for each manufacturer this process is a little different, but more or less all of them should have some means of updating the UEFI program without an operating system installed. In the case of our Gigabyte motherboard, the process went something like this:

同样,对于每个制造商来说,此过程都略有不同,但是他们或多或少都应具有一些无需安装操作系统即可更新UEFI程序的方式。 对于我们的技嘉主板,该过程如下所示:

  1. Download the updated UEFI file from the Gigabyte website (on another, working computer, of course).

  2. Transfer the file to a USB drive.

  3. Plug the drive into the new computer, start up UEFI, and press F8.

  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the latest version of UEFI.

  5. Reboot.


Your motherboard and BIOS/UEFI will follow the same general steps, but not necessarily exactly. You can usually find the process with a quick Google search. If for some reason you can’t get it working, don’t worry: motherboard manufacturers also frequently offer programs that can update the BIOS/UEFI once you get Windows up and running, too.

您的主板和BIOS / UEFI将遵循相同的常规步骤,但不一定完全相同。 通常,您可以通过Google的快速搜索找到该过程。 如果由于某种原因无法正常运行,请不要担心:主板制造商还经常提供在Windows启动并运行后即可更新BIOS / UEFI的程序。

检查您的存储驱动器 (Check Your Storage Drives)

Next, check to make sure that your motherboard can recognize your storage drive. If it can’t, the Windows setup utility you use in the next article won’t have anything to install to.

接下来,检查以确保您的主板可以识别您的存储驱动器。 如果不能,那么您在下一篇文章中使用的Windows安装实用程序将没有任何安装。

The instructions here are unfortunately going to be a bit vague, because every company’s UEFI program is laid out differently. All we’re really trying to do is find the page that manages the storage drives. On our Gigabyte motherboard, this is found under the “BIOS” tab (because the new UEFI includes all of the old “BIOS” settings, you see).

不幸的是,这里的说明会有些含糊,因为每个公司的UEFI程序的布局都不同。 我们真正要做的就是找到管理存储驱动器的页面。 在我们的技嘉主板上,该文件位于“ BIOS”选项卡下(因为您看到的是新的UEFI包含所有旧的“ BIOS”设置)。

I’ve selected “Boot Option #1,” the first thing that the BIOS will attempt to boot. If this fails, it will continue to the second option. Under the available list, you can see the Corsair solid state drive we installed in the last article. If you’re installing your operating system with a DVD drive, make sure you can see it here too. (Sometimes both are labelled “SATA” for their motherboard connections.)

我选择了“引导选项#1”,这是BIOS尝试引导的第一件事。 如果失败,它将继续执行第二个选项。 在可用列表下,您可以看到我们在上一篇文章中安装的Corsair固态驱动器。 如果要使用DVD驱动器安装操作系统,请确保在此处也可以看到它。 (有时它们的主板连接都标记为“ SATA”。)

If you don’t see your drive or drives, double-check the power and SATA data cables in your case. If you’ve verified that they’re connected and you still can’t see the drives in BIOS, you may have to replace them.

如果看不到驱动器,请仔细检查电源和SATA数据电缆。 如果您已验证它们已连接,但仍无法在BIOS中看到驱动器,则可能必须更换它们。

进一步调整 (Going Further with Other Tweaks)

There’s a lot of other interesting stuff you can do with your computer’s UEFI or BIOS, but none of it is really necessary to get an operating system up and running. Feel free to poke around at some of the options; most of it is self-explanatory, like powering up the computer when the mouse or keyboard is touched. If you don’t understand what something controls, don’t touch it without doing a Google search first.

您还可以使用计算机的UEFI或BIOS进行许多其他有趣的操作,但实际上并不需要安装和运行操作系统。 随意浏览一些选项; 其中大多数是不言自明的,例如在触摸鼠标或键盘时打开计算机电源。 如果您不了解控制什么,请先进行Google搜索,然后再进行操作。

Here are some of the more interesting options in the BIOS and UEFI we recommend checking out, as long as you feel comfortable doing so:


Once you’re done with everything in the BIOS and UEFI, to install Windows. Note that you’ll need another working computer with access to the Internet if you don’t already have an installation disc or USB drive ready.

完成BIOS和UEFI中的所有操作后,请以安装Windows。 请注意,如果尚未准备好安装光盘或USB驱动器,则需要另一台可以访问Internet的工作计算机。

Or, if you want to jump to another part in the guide, here’s the whole thing:





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